Admission open for A.Y 2025-26 for grade Nursery to grade VIII.

PDIS - Our Kindergarten Curriculum

PDIS - Kindergarten follows the curriculum adapted from EYFS (UK) and Montessori Method thereby providing a well planned curriculum which is comprehensive with six areas of learning


  • Personal , Social and Emotional Development : Dispositions and attitudes, self confidence, self esteem, making relationships, self control, self care and sense of community
  • Knowledge and of the World : Exploration and Investigation, Designing and making, ICT, Time, Place and Communities
  • Numerical Skills : Numbers, Counting, Calculating, Shape, Space & Measures.
  • Communication Language and Literacy : Language for communication, language for thinking, linking sounds and letters, reading & writing.
  • Physical Development : Body movements (motor skills), Health awareness, Physical development using equipments and materials.
  • Creative Development : Responding to Experiences, expressing and communicating ideas, exploring media and materials, music and dance, developing imagination.

Together, dear parents we’ll make it happen.